Burnt out on dating?

Exhausted by endless swiping and disappointing dates?

Feeling disheartened and like you want to just give up!?

I hear you, sister!

Imagine if... Dating felt empowering and beneficial instead of disappointing and frustrating.

Imagine if... You finally started attracting men who are at your level and capable of the type of relationship you desire and deserve?

What if I told you you're only 4 days away from completely transforming your dating life and no more bad dates!?

Welcome to The Four Day Flip!

4 Ways in 4 Days to Completely Transform Your Dating Life

This is a real deal guide to help smart, successful, single women like you find JOY in dating again. We’ll shift your mindset so you can actually ENJOY, learn and grow from the process, listening to your body and using your intuition as a tool, resulting in the most attractive, secure and beautiful version of you, navigating dating with confidence and certainty and finally attracting men who are at your level and capable of the type of relationship you desire and deserve.

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You'll get immediate access to the entire program including:

Intuitive and insightful videos for each day of the week taking you from burnt out on dating to the top of your (dating) game by the weekend

Worksheets for each day with thoughtful and impactful action steps

A killer guided affirmation that'll have you navigating each day (and date) with confidence and certainty

PLUS my #1 most requested piece of information from my clients to copy/paste and use on repeat. (Priceless!)

So many little gems in here for you, ladies! Let's get started.

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I understand you because I am you...

Welcome to The Four Day Flip! I’m Jill Dunn, a mama of 2, event planner, matchmaker, and dating coach, a Jill-of-all-trades. Overall, I’m a connector. I love to bring people together. I got divorced after ten long years of marriage and immediately jumped into the dating pool. I dated a million frogs with definitely a couple of princes in there too, but at the time I just didn’t even know what to do with a prince so I just threw 'em back into the pond.

When I first got divorced, I thought for sure I'd meet someone right away. I mean, I’m a total catch! I had every intention of hopping into a relationship and living happily ever after with the most incredible man, and he would be everything my ex husband wasn’t for me. This was going to be great! Ha!

Little did I know how much I would learn in the coming years about myself and my capacity in relationships just from actually being single and dating and leaning into relationships with the men I trusted. I am so much healthier as a result of these experiences, so much more self-aware now, and I have really grown to love and cherish the incredible woman that I have become. I fell in love. I fell truly, madly, deeply in love with me.

I realized that the inner work is the biggest part of actually being ready to attract and receive the type of love and partner you so greatly desire and deserve. Rest your mind because you don’t need to search for the one. You already found her.

It took me a while to grasp this but, it was a huge turning point for me. So I want to share it with you…. We have all had countless “failed dating attempts, ” another guy who doesn’t keep promises, or another guy who leads with the dreaded “send me a pic” message. It’s enough to want to make anyone throw in the towel on dating. I get it! But eventually rather than focusing on what was happening with these guys who weren't for me I flipped the script.

I’ve grown to focus on what I’ve learned from each interaction and what a relief it is that these guys fell away. Above all, I’ve fallen in love with myself more deeply than I ever could have if I hadn't gotten to learn and grow from this dating process and the contributions of every single one of those duds.

Focus on the first kiss feeling, that butterfly flutter in your belly, that potential and hope that you’re about to go on your LAST first date! Today you may be single but TOMORROW you may be meeting the love of your life. After all that is what happened for every single one of those real love stories, isn’t it? One day you don’t have them, next day...you do! Dating should be FUN! It should feel good and exciting and liberating.

So, stay in the game, Ladies.

It’s worth it. You’re worth it!



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A look inside The Four Day Flip

This simple self-guided program will give you 4 ways in 4 days to completely transform your dating life. You’ll get immediate access to the entire program, including video lessons, worksheets with thoughtful and impactful action steps, a killer guided affirmation, PLUS my #1 most requested piece of information from my clients to copy/paste and use on repeat. (Priceless!) So many little gems in here for you, ladies!

DAY 1 - Get “Ready” to Date: (Spoiler Alert: You already have everything you need.)

A short video followed by simple yet powerful guided action steps will start your week feeling empowered and focused. After all, you're not looking for "the one". . . . you already found her. Of course, you already know that you're a total catch. Day 1 is about honoring YOU.

DAY 2 - Make Your Shopping List: Today we're creating a clear vision of the qualities we are looking for in a partnership. Remember, in dating we are deciding what feels good TO US, NOT who we feel good to. Let me repeat that!!! We are deciding what feels good TO US, NOT who we feel good to. We don’t just stay with a man because he likes us! It’s essential that you hear what your body is saying to you and you actually listen to it! Using thoughtful and impactful prompts to guide the process, you'll finish the day with intention and purpose to guide you in Day 3 and beyond.

DAY 3 - Cast a Wide Net: Half way to the weekend! We’ve established that you are in fact “ready to date” and that you are an absolute prize in your current state of being and any man would be lucky to have you by his side. CHECK! We’re armed with our very specific shopping list outlining the qualities that we will find in our partner. CHECK! So, now it’s time to create some opportunities to put it all into play.

DAY 4 - No Bad Dates: This is about keeping perspective and knowing when to lean in and when to let go of a potential partner, expectations in dating and using your intuition to guide the process. These final steps are essential to how you will now be navigating dating: with confidence and certainty. Finally, you'll be attracting men who are at your level and capable of the type of relationship you so greatly desire and deserve.

BONUS - A killer guided affirmation that will have you navigating each day (and date) with confidence and certainty

PLUS my #1 most requested piece of information from my clients to copy/paste and use on repeat. (Priceless!)

We'll cover intentional dating, keeping perspective, tapping into our intuition, reframing, exclusivity and the dreaded... rejection. Let’s get started today, and you’ll be on the top of your (dating) game by the weekend.

This program is for you if...

You know you're a total catch but you keep attracting men who aren't "right" for you.

You get stuck overthinking your dates and calls with men.

You're tired of the games and ready for something real.

You're sick of swiping and ready to create new, exciting connections.

You're ready to enjoy dating again! Afterall, It should be fun!

You are ready to feel empowered and inspired by your dating life.

If any of these resonate with you, sign up now! This simple self-guided program will make a major impact for you with 4 ways in 4 days to completely transform your dating life. Let’s get started today and you’ll fall in love with dating by the weekend.

What others are saying...


"You get me! This made a major shift for me in such a short time. I am loving dating again. Thanks, Jill!"


Jill gives hope to the hopeless. She's compassionate and caring and can understand many walks of life. She is wise and can interpret someone's feelings when they aren't able to clearly verbalize. She is extremely positive and has a kick ass attitude and as a result encourage others. Highly impactful. Thank you!


"Love it and love you! I really looked forward to our sessions. I had a two hour phone talk with two of my single girlfriends who aren't dating and one hadn't had dates in three years! I am genuinely surprised how many beautiful women just give up.

I realized I should be proud. Thanks again. Your help has been instrumental, your advice really effective, and I literally felt over my depression after our talk yesterday, so thanks."


Do I have to complete the program in 4 days?

Nope! You can absolutely dedicate the time to complete it in 4 days or you can go at your own pace. Same outcome, just on your time.

How long will I have access to the program?

You will have access lifetime access to this program!

What's your refund policy?

Due to the digital nature of this content there are no refunds. If you are unhappy with the program for any reason please email us at thefourdayflip@gmail.com

Are there live calls included with the program?

There are no group live calls with The Four Day Flip but Jill is available for private calls.

Can't I just do all of this on my own?

Think of it like hiring a personal trainer. Working with a coach or trainer simply streamlines any process leading to a more thoughtful and impactful outcome. The information compiled here for you is a result of years of experience, research and work with other singles.

Enrollment is open!

Special pricing is available for a limited time only...

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You're only 4 days away from a completely transformed dating life and no more bad dates! Let's get started today and you'll be falling in love with dating by the weekend.



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